All papers should be submitted using the ICST Article Submission SYSTem (ASSYST) at If you are unable to access the online submission system, it could be due to firewall settings internal to your organization. In this case, please try using your internet connection at home to submit your paper. All papers must be submitted in LNICST format. Please see the Author's Kit for more details.
Prior to submitting a paper, you must be registered within the ASSYST. If you already have an account, you can go directly submit your paper. Make sure you click on the first button to submit initial papers and the second button only for camera-ready papers. To submit a paper, you need to select the appropriate conference. The list of ICST conferences is organized in ascending order by submission deadline. Make sure to choose the ICDF2C conference when submitting.
1. Registration and access to ASSYST
1.1. Registration
To create an account in ASSYST, follow the "Register" link in the upper right corner of the screen and fill out the registration form.
1.2. Access to the system
To perform any action in ASSYST (submit or review a paper, create a conference, etc.) you must be a registered user in the system. If you have received an invitation to serve as TPC member or reviewer, it means that you already have an ASSYST account (either you were registered previously, or the conference chairs have created an account for you).
2. Submitting and managing papers
2.1. Submitting paper in the system
To submit a paper in ASSYST, you have to log in and perform the following actions:
1. Click on the "Submit a paper" link in the upper menu. This will take you to a list of all the active conferences managed by ASSYST.
2. Find the conference to which you want to submit and click on the "Submit a paper" link in the corresponding row of the table. If you are submitting to a multi-track event, you will be asked to select the tract to which you want to submit your paper.
3. Choose the paper type. Click "Next".
4. Enter details. Click "Next". Important! If you are submitting a paper of the "Extended abstract" type, do not try to put the full text into the "Abstract" field. This field is for the abstract in the usual sense of the word (short one-paragraph summary of the work), while the full text has to be uploaded as a separate file later (see the next subsection).
5. Review the details, and if everything is correct, click "Submit". Now the paper is registered in the system. You can edit it through the "My papers" page.
2.2. Managing your submissions
To open the list of your submissions, follow "My papers" link in the user menu on the left hand side of the screen. By default, only active submissions are shown. To view the complete list, click on "Show all submissions" link on top of the list. By selecting a corresponding icon in the column "Actions" you can:
Edit paper details: modify title, abstract & topics of the paper.
Edit the list of authors: add/remove authors, change the order of authors, and change the main contact author.
Upload a manuscript.
Remove the submission.
3. Camera ready submission
Camera ready versions of accepted papers must be submitted through the
ASSYST system.
Camera ready papers must follow the following terms and conditions in order to be included in the conference proceedings:
One of the authors of the paper has to upload the precisely formatted camera-ready version to the Paper Management System (ASSYST) with the correctly filled data of the paper as well as the co-authors by the appropriate deadline.
The author who uploads the camera ready paper to the Paper Management System (ASSYST) has to agree with the terms of the Copyright Form during the upload process
At least one author of the paper has to register at a non-student rate, even if all authors are students. Completed registration is required for all accepted papers.
The Camera Ready Submission Instructions (available
) are listed in what follows:
Please, register to the conference. Note that without registering first (via the conference website), you will not be able to upload your camera-ready paper.
Log in to ASSYST with the password you have received from the system. If you cannot find or remember your password, please use the "Reset Password" function.
Once you have logged in, please go to "My Profile" in the main menu and fill out all the mandatory fields of your profile. Without completing this step, the system will not let you proceed. If you already filled in your profile in the system previously, this step is not required.
After filling out all the fields in "My Profile" please, click on SAVE. You cannot go further without filling out all the mandatory fields.
Select the conference/ workshop from the list, where you want to submit your camera ready paper.
Click on "Upload Camera Ready Paper".
Please, provide information on your paper, such as Title, Abstract and Keywords. Click on NEXT.
On the next page please, add all the co-authors of your paper by clicking on "Add Additional Authors". After you have added all the co-authors, please, click on NEXT.
ASSYST will automatically generate the Copyright agreement from the data you have provided on the previous pages.
Please, check your data carefully and in case there are any discrepancies go back and edit them.
When everything is correct, read the terms of the copyright agreement.
Please, do not forget to scroll down the text in the text-box before you click on "I Agree".
You can also print the text by clicking on "Print" button.
In the pop-up window you have to confirm your agreement by choosing: "I confirm that I agree to the terms".
After agreeing to the Terms, you will receive an e-mail confirmation from ICST with a link and an electronic version of the Copyright Agreement in a PDF file. This is the document that you must keep for further references. YOU CANNOT UPLOAD YOUR PAPER WITHOUT AGREEING TO THE COPYRIGHT FORM.
After completing the copyright agreement step, you can upload your camera ready paper.
IMPORTANT: LNICST Author's Kit requires both the PDF and the source files (MS Word or LaTeX) of your paper. To upload all these forms, please, do the following:
Create the required files (MS Word or LaTeX plus the .PDF)
Pack these files into a ZIP file.
Upload this .zip file as your camera ready paper
NOTE: Failure to upload your camera ready paper in the required format(s) will result in that your paper will neither appear on the proceedings CD, nor in the digital library.
If you need to make any further modifications on your paper, you may do so by clicking on the "Manage my Papers" and "View my Papers" link up until the Camera Ready Deadline is over.
Please, do not forget to accept the Copyright Terms every time you modify your paper!