Over the past couple years the obtaining of a visa has become more complex which requires more attention, energy and time. Additionally, embassies have different requirements. Some may request:
- A letter from ICST verifying intentions of conference participant
- Confirmation that the paper was accepted
- A receipt that conference fees have been paid in full
- Appearance or interview by conference participant
As a result of these requirements by some embassies, ICST encourages attendees to apply no later than 3 (three) months prior the conference. ICST will issue visa letters to:
- Keynote speakers, presenters, panelists
- Any organizing committee member
- People professionally or personally known by a committee member
- Conference participant who has paid their registration fee in full and are not from a country embargoed by the U.S. Treasury Dept Office of Foreign Control (Cuba, Iran, Libya and Sudan)
To request a visa letter please provide the following information:
- Conference/workshop title, date and location
- The amount of fees paid by the requestor
- Your intention as either a participant, presenter, committee member, speaker, panelist, etc.
- Additional information can be found on the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs Visa Services Web Site - https://travel.state.gov/visa/index.html
Forward your requests to: registration AT icst DOT org